Love Yourself First

Salam and hello to everyone!
Since I fell down the stairs due to physical strain (not because I was clumsy), I began to look at many things I have done in the past from a different perspective. For so many years, I have done a lot of things for others. I have never rewarded myself. I was nicknamed the benevolent angle by Mr Granger, my A level teacher. Yet I didn’t understand why? Only last year, I dared to take a step to change myself. I did a lot of things for myself. (like going for facial diligently every month and buying expensive and not so important things just for my own use)The best thing I did last year was I managed to lose some weight. I felt a lot healthier. However, I wish I could eat my meal at appropriate time each day and that the organic vegetables are not sold at such a dear price. My health is my wealth. I guess I need to shed a few more pounds so that I can go paragliding. This morning in school, Norizan said that she saw me smiling a lot lately. Yes! I am calmer and less stressful now because I love myself first before others.
Have you rewarded yourself? How? What have you done?


  1. assalamu alaikom,

    Oh yeah .. my lovely sis.. you da gal!!

    couldnt agree more.. and yeah there are many ways for us to love and to care for ourselves...

    An important way to love yourself is to nourish and care for your body: eat healthy foods and exercise regularly. You may want to "treat" yourself to things like a massage, a facial, taking breaks and having fun are important, as well. Whether alone, with a friend, or with a partner.

    So, go ahead. Love yourself. Be good to yourself. Treat yourself well. Replenish yourself. You will discover that, the more you love yourself, the more you will be able to give love to others - and the more others will want to be around you and give back to you. This is a win-win situation. Loving yourself will ultimately benefit the lives of others you encounter, as well as your own life. I love you sis.


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