How to Tidy up Your Teachers' Office

How to Tidy Up Your Teacher’s Office.
 Get rid of the things that do not have value. Get rid of any items that you have not used for a year. Ask yourself a few questions like, Do you use a particular thing often? Would you save it in case your school is hit by flood or is on fire?
 Students’ exercise books, file, stationeries and list of other things that you use at your workplace should have their own place to “live”. Placing all these things on your table or the low cabinet beside the windows will only create piles and confusion. Finally, you will feel so stress. You only realise this when you fail to find the report you have already completed a week earlier.
 You must focus on one thing at a time. This will help you to be more organised.
 Donate reference books or textbooks you no longer use. You may donate to your students or the school library.
 Return the students’ exercise books as soon as you finish marking. Make sure you hand them back to your students after a week or two weeks.
 Teachers always have a large number of ball points but most of them are short-lived. To reduce the number of empty ball-points, you can change to fountain pen. You will only need to refill it with ink. As a result, you will save money and help to save the environment.
 Reuse and recycle paper. You may use them to make scrap book, to write down notes and to make paper crafts.
 Reduce the number of papers used by recycling the prepared material for the next group of students.
 Place the rubbish bin outside the office. A bin which is flooded over by rubbish will spoil the clean and conducive atmosphere of your office.
 Having plants or fresh flowers will have therapeutic effects on you and everyone in the office.

Attention: If you have any more tips on how to keep the teacher's Office clean and conducive to work in,please share with me.
