Dear English teachers,
It is tough for us to get students to read and do research on their own but I have found out that it is possible. I have for many years assigned my students to do research on certain topics. I let them to find information from any sources available.I give them the freedom because in the real world they will have to source out for information via diversities of mediums. They may produce their end product in the form of srapbook,collage,pamphlet and poster.
Students are also encouraged to use the information they have gathered to give oral presentation in English.So,before they present in front of the class,they will have to learn how to pronounce certain difficult words.(Here,I have to make myself available for them to seek help).Surprisingly they are always able to put up excellent presentations.All they need is encouragement and continuous guide from us.
If you have any ideas on how to help them ,do share with me by sending comments.
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