How do you define "Professionalism?"

Yesterday, I watched “You Think You Can Dance” , a reality programme based in the USA (though I am not a fan of the reality show) aired on one of the Astro Channels. I watched it because I wanted to learn something about professionalism.
There were five juries .Each time after the dancers performed their dance, the juries would make some comments. The reactions they received from the dancers vary. Some could take the comments positively. Those who did not had shown their ugly sides.

Here I listed some of the positive reactions given by the dancers.
Thanked the juries for their comment.
Promised the juries that they would participate next year.
Asked the juries how to improve themselves.
Thanked the juries fo giving them the opportunity to take part in the competition.
Remained calm.

Meanwhile the negative reactions shown by the dancers were:
Refused to listen to the juries’ comment.
Told the juries that they would not take part the following year. They had given up.
Blamed the juries.
Blamed the organiser.
Demonstrated anger.
Gave up and would not take part the following year.

So teachers,now let us judge ourselves. Are we professional enough? Can we accept critics sincerely?
